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4oz. Rose Magical Essential Oil Spray

Rose 4oz. Magical Essential Oil Spray in a cobalt blue glass bottle with a fine-mist spray top. (Rosa damascena)


Associated with angels.


Magical uses include: Epicurean sexuality, intensifying romance, non-chemical intoxication, processing unresolved grief, strengthening mediumship and use during sacred initiation rites.


Elemental association: Water. (For more, see Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs.)

© Moon Hollow of Salem, unless otherwise indicated. All Rights Reserved.

4oz. Rose Magical Essential Oil Spray

  • When our Beast pines for its Beauty under the castled magic of night, rose, with its blood-dripping intoxication raises our sensual appetites, hypnotizing into perfection the storied romance of the page, then breaking enchantments in the theatre of our delight. Associated with the Archangel Hanael, whose name means “glory or grace of God”, Hanael is referred to as the “angel…of December” (A Dictionary of Angels, p. 134) who is charged with protecting religion and materializing Earthly miracles (p. 228). Credited with “transporting Enoch to Heaven” (p. 134), Hanael rules the planet Venus and the zodiac signs of Taurus and Libra. She rules “lovers…pleasures, diplomacy, the arts, music…theat[re]” (The Kabbalah & Magic of Angels, p. 181), oral surgeons and domestic violence, making rose the premiere accessory for those connected with the ballet, musical theatre and stage, for revamping self-worth in those emotionally or physically battered and in aiding endodontists and diplomats of any kind. Among the animals entraining with rose are Hanael’s turtle dove and wolf spider, great totems of self-sacrificed dedication to one’s art and Epicurean sexuality (wolf spider), and heightened innovative sex (turtle dove).  Synchronizing with rose are Hanael’s stones, fairy wand quartz and zoisite with ruby, known for opening consciousness to the fairy realms (fairy wand quartz) and assisting in the esoteric treatment of immune disorders (zoisite with ruby). The illnesses Hanael rules include “venereal diseases, AIDS...the veins…[and] the lymphatic system”, making rose a weighty abutment in the magical treatment of HIV, AIDS and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and in buttressing those battling intravenous drug use. Among the plants attuning with rose are the pear and Venus flytrap, regarded for expanding erotic appetites and promoting flexible sexuality (Venus flytrap), and for hypnotically inducing sedated states of consciousness (pear). Amplifying perfectionistic attention to artistic and theatrical detail, supporting lead stage performers, increasing activity at night and easing death transitions are some of rose’s strengths.


    © Moon Hollow of Salem, unless otherwise indicated. All Rights Reserved.

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